We've got good news! Marc's coming home this week!! He has one class on Monday, then he's got permission to leave on Tuesday. He'll be here Wednesday...yay! He's packing today and calling to turn off services. We're so excited.
We were able to see each other on Valentine's day/weekend. We both had President's day off which meant a 3-day weekend for both of us. We found a PF Changs in Oklahoma City and had Valentine's lunch there. Our first date was at a PF Changs in Dallas, so this was sorta sentimental. It was a wonderful weekend, especially after a full month of separation. And Marc gave me a beautiful diamond heart necklace!
The Friday before we met up in OKC, I won flowers on the radio for singing a love song to Marc :-P The local station had been giving away a dozen roses per day for two weeks to the first person to call in and sing a love song to their sweetheart. So, Feb. 13 I decided to call in and the phone rang, then I heard the guy from the radio both in my car while i was driving to work and on my phone..hehe. I sang...
I love you, a bushel and a peck
A bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck
A hug around the neck
A barrel and a heap
A barrel and a heap
And I'm talkin' in my sleep about you
About you...
Aren't they beautiful? :)